
Thursday, September 8, 2011

Attempting to head butt a wall in a very old house in Italy with concrete walls...Hella Risky.

Nobody hates the cast of Jersey Shore more than I do. There is something about it though that I just can't look away. I remember when Jerry Springer first came out and it was all the rage because people were fighting for real on television and acting like complete dead beats but no matter how big of derelicts these people were you couldn't stop watching. It was hard to watch but in an entertaining way. I think that's the same phenomenon for me with Jersey Shore. I just can't look away. I guess that's what it's all about for the networks though right? Creating horrible characters that people can't get enough of for the sake of $$$. Long story short...The Situation aka Mike Sorentino head butting a wall and knocking himself out, getting his ass whooped by his cast mate, then crying in a neck brace...Christmas came early this year.


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